Two weeks ago I was down in Harrogate at the BCTF for 3 days. This is the third time I've taken part in the British Craft Trade Fair. Its is a beautiful trade fair in a beautiful part of the country. There are about 400 stands full of amazing handmade crafts by artists from across the UK and Ireland. I always love going to this fair as there are lots of really interesting buyers with independent shops and galleries around the UK, plus the artists themselves are always bright, energetic and full of enthusiasm for their crafts! Some of the ideas and products these creative individuals come up with are amazing and definitely have the wow factor!
The first day of the show, which was a Sunday, is always the day when most of the independent shop owners come. They are looking for unusual and unique crafts for their shops and galleries and it is usually the busiest day. I had so much interest, especially with the revamped slate display which shows off the shell jewellery beautifully. I talked to many buyers including party planners, hoteliers, beauty salons, florists, start ups, gift shops with cafes, framers, gallery owners and more! A great range from Aberdeen to Devon to Spain! Really!
I also met with a few regulars who I was pleased to see as always. Its great catching up with them, finding out which are the best sellers for them, and showing them the new ranges and ideas on how to display and promote the jewellery they have chosen. And it is great to see that despite the current economic climate and recession which we hear so much about, there ARE small independent shops which are positively thriving at the moment! Keep up the good work!
The Monday & Tuesday were quieter as the buyers for larger stores & council run galleries came in. These buyers generally look for artists who have been at the fair for a number of years as they want someone they know has made a success of the business already and can sustain that success (ie not someone who may unfortunately be very creative but unable to sustain a successful business longterm). Occasionally some of the independents who have travelled from further afield will come back on day 2 or 3 after they have done some sums and they will make an order then, although a lot of the orders come post fair too. At the moment I am doing my post fair analysis and follow ups, so hopefully more orders will be coming through in the next few weeks in time for the summer tourist trade!
This year I noticed that there was a significant increase in "visitor" numbers. As interesting as it is chatting to students and potential exhibitors about their products, I did feel slightly annoyed when the numbers just kept increasing and I felt as though I spent more of my time on day 2 & 3 talking to them than the buyers, who I had come to see. It is especially difficult to disengage with a visitor without seeming rude when a potential buyer is browsing your stall.
One aspect of the BCTF which I always love however, is chatting with other exhibitors when it is quieter. I think trade fairs, and in particular talking to other craft exhibitors, has really helped me over the last few years. It increases my understanding of wholesale selling, displaying, pricing, hand outs and product ranges in a way which you couldn't learn from simply reading about it. Everyone has a different experience and a different perspective which you can learn from. Taking bits and pieces of advice from friendly craftspeople, changing things around and meeting them the following year with new ideas is always great! I honestly learn so much just from bouncing ideas off other craftspeople and this is definitely part of the whole BCTF experience! And I love wandering round the stands when I get a chance just to marvel at the creativity, the original ideas and the talent of some of the exhibitors. I took lots of business cards from exhibitors so I know what to get my friends and family for birthday/christmas/wedding presents now!
Finally, my love of the BCTF is increased yet again by one huge factor. Did I mention that I always stay with my mate Helen in Doncaster whenever I do a fair in Harrogate? She mummies me all week with lovely home cooked Yorkshire meals every night when I come in from a hard day at work! "Honey I'm home"! Thank you Helen x
Overall, I'd definitely say the BCTF is a great fair to be involved with, and my favourite of all the trade fairs I've done to date! Great orders (new and repeat), great people, great atmosphere! I will definitely be doing it next year!